Having fun
Feeling happy and enjoying a good atmosphere at work has a positive effect on my team’s and my own engagement. Together we create a friendly workplace.
I listen and I talk
It helps me build trust. I support my employees in discovering their strengths and help them make informed decisions on their professional development.
I believe in authentic leadership
Thanks to that I can build honest and strong relationships.
I value independence.
It enables me to create an environment where my employees can grow their independence as well. I want my employees to feel confident in their roles, instrumental and responsible for their work.
Common goal
I try to make our work contributing to the success of the whole company. We all play to one goal and achieving objectives unites us all.
It is important to me that HR Team inspires trust, that’s why we build relations day by day – they are crucial for proper functioning of HR Team. It always goes with good atmosphere and great dose of fun!
Working in both directions – clear communication is fundamental to achieve common goals. Having the clear path shown also increases our engagement.
Open and honest communication is very important to me. My team always knows what is happening in the company. I assure my team with all information important for their work and functioning in the company. The other way around, I expect it to work the same way – the worst truth is better than no information.
Problem solving –
Fast problem solving is crucial for the effective functioning of the team in such a dynamic environment as ours. Every day is different and you cannot be prepared for all situations, so I value an approach focused on quick and creative problem solving.
I support my employees in achieving their goals, at the same time providing them with great independence in action. I believe that “empowerment” is very important, therefore, along with tasks, I delegate the ability to make decisions.
Respect and trust
I respect my employees and show my trust by giving them the right to make mistakes, that they should learn from. I hold in very high regard those employees who accept the responsibility that comes with decision making and its consequences.
Composure and pragmatism
I try to keep my composure even in the most stressful situations and make sure all my decisions are well-informed. When the going gets rough I often become the impartial mediator whose goal is finding the best possible solution. My ideas come with the strength of argument not the argument of strength.
Example and credibility
I have a passion for IT and I’ve dedicated a fair share of my professional career to it. I tend to set the bar high not only for my team but also myself, and I try to inspire my colleagues with my knowledge, engagement and work ethic. I believe that showing the way instead of giving ready solutions allows you to inspire people to dig a bit deeper when analyzing a problem.
A friendly atmosphere at work is a priority for me. I want the team to be harmonious, with everyone respecting each other and seeing a common goal, and helping a colleague next to achieve it.
The basis of a well-functioning team is commitment and cooperation. For my part, I always rely on trust and honesty, counting on the same from the team. With this approach, nothing is impossible for us.
Each of us is different and brings a unique value to the team. By developing our skills and achieving our goals, we develop not only ourselves but the entire team. And that’s what it’s all about.
Team spirit
Act as a one team, together we can achieve more – “one for all, all for one”. That’s why I put a lot of effort on building relationships within a team – trust and openness are the most important.
I’m a leader who inspires the team. I like to be involved in operational problems – my motto is “There is always a (better) solution”. Creative thinking and action can bring a lot of benefits, and can fix the most complicated issue.
One of my goal is team development. That is why I give my team independence when doing day-to-day tasks or projects. I appreciate flexibility and creativity so the way how to achieve the goal belongs to the team.
I am consistent
I favor teamwork and I’m all about an even, almost simultaneous spread of workload in order to make the most out of the synergistic effect that is critical to our work.
I am empathic
I know the processes I manage very well, because I used to provide services supporting them. Knowing the inner workings of processes enables me to optimize task planning activities and focus on my team’s needs.
I am cheerful
I would not call myself the office prankster, but I do enjoy the company of smiling coworkers. Sharing a similar sense of humor helps to build stronger relationships within any team.
Good atmosphere and trust
My priority is to build a healthy and authentic relationship based on honesty, trust and a clear information flow both ways.
Flexibility and teamwork
A dynamic work environment requires unconventional solutions and people not afraid of new challenges. We are one team and have complementary skills. I value my colleagues’ independence, while not forgetting about cooperation – the exchange of knowledge and experience lead to mutual inspiration.
Decisions based on arguments
I really appreciate a substantive discussion and looking at the problem from many different perspectives.
Everyone can count on me
I do my best to support the proper flow of information among employees, I initiate the exchange of ideas, and I try to resolve conflicts well before they escalate.
Empathy and progress
I believe in my employees and I have confidence in their ability achieve great things. I fully support the decisions they make. We soldier on with a smile on our face no matter the circumstances.
Team building
It’s important to me for all my employees to feel good and confident within the team. It encourages us to not only share experiences, but also support and help each other.
I give the possibility to express the ideas and way of working. I value open and honest discussions, clear communication in both directions is fundamental.
Sense of purpose
I strive to ensure that everyone is aware of the role played in the team, and what is the next step on the way to achieving a common goal. For my side, you can count on full support in your personal development, the success of my colleagues is for me the greatest satisfaction at work.
It is important to me that every person in the team knows that we can count on each other. The key to success is working with people we feel comfortable and trust each other.
Individual approach
My goal is to motivate the team by understanding individual needs. Taking care of the right environment and atmosphere gives everyone a chance to develop their skills.
Commitment and continuous improvement
Continuous streamlining and improvement of processes allows to increase the efficiency of daily work. As a leader, I encourage and motivate people to find new solutions. In our team, we are not afraid to share our ideas and come up with changes that can improve the quality of our work while improving the competence of team members.
Effective communication
A good relationship, honesty and clarity of intentions are the pillars of a good team impossible to achieve without effective communication. With frequent and honest conversations, we can solve the most difficult problems. I strive for clear individual and team goals that we can achieve together.
Effective Communication
Good communication is crucial for maintaining positive relationships. That’s why I value open and transparent exchange of information. I think that conversation is the key to building a cohesive team.
Together, we can achieve goals that we could only dream of separately. An effective team is one that not only efficiently performs assigned tasks, but also derives satisfaction from it, helps each other, and shares knowledge and experience.
I believe in the abilities and commitment of my team. Trust is the foundation of a sense of security in the team, and security is the basis for independent and creative action.
The foundation of every team is cooperation based on trust. I listen and engage in problem-solving so that employees know they have my support and inspiration to move forward.
I rely on honest and open communication based on clear goals and expectations. You can always count on honest feedback from my side.
Team Spirit
A good working atmosphere is very important to me. Building strong ties allows to develop successful teamwork. I believe that sharing knowledge and experience is the basis of a well-functioning team. Together we are able to finalize any task.
Team Spirit
“All for one, one for all” coordinated team based on trust and mutual respect is my fundamental goal. I focus on positive working environment and it’s important for me to work with smile on our faces. Nothing is impossible with well-tuned team and we are handling daily challenges in pleasent and fun atmosphere.
Honesty build trust and trust is foundatiuon of any good relationship. Mutual clear communication within the team is key to build connection. Clearly stated expectations is guarantee of proper cooperation.
Sense of duty
Commitment to the duties and awareness of our common goals is something I expect from all team members. My aim is to create right conditions for development, bearing in mind that we all play as one team.
Clear communication is the key
We act efficiently and creatively when we understand the goal. Open communication within the team and with stakeholders builds trust and good relationships.
Together Everyone Achieves More
Mutual support and the exchange of ideas help to find the right solutions and allow us to learn from each other. We play in the same team – I’m always there for you.
Always look on the bright side
Positive attitude motivates to act and helps to meet challenges. A friendly atmosphere is the key to good cooperation, achieving goals and job satisfaction.
Commitment to employees development
The success of employees in my team is important to me. I try to help them in finding adequate development path and strengthen a positive attitude. Supporting career of team members is essential for me.
You have my support.
As the person responsible for the team, I make sure that my employees feel that they can count on me. I listen, ask questions and I am always open to discussion.
Mutual trust.
Everyone in the team is a specialist in their field, and my task is to support them in finding solutions on their own. I appreciate independence and reasonableness in making decisions.
I allow to make your own decisions, but I am always around to support in a difficult moment, because a willingness to help out is a part of my DNA. My team knows that they can count on me in every situation.
Relationships among the team members has an influence on the results of work.
So kindness, honesty and respect – my values I follow on a daily basis.
I do not come out with my ideas right away, but let each of the employees express their opinions in order to find solutions to our challenges – this engages the whole team and allows to build a sense of mutual success.
I appreciate self-reliance and creativity. This helps to define strengths and find opportunities for growth.
Honesty in the interpersonal relations is the basis of mutual trust. I listen attentively and answer the questions honestly so my co-workers know that they can trust me.
I favor optimism which has the power to propel people to take actions. I focus on positive aspects of each situation. I view mistakes as a learning opportunity not as a failure.
The team is the strength! The greatest success is achieved by working together. I am focused on clear communication and employee commitment to work
I focus on employee development and their potential. I believe that everyone has their hidden talent.
I appreciate responsible and consistent people. As a leader, I try to set a new direction, inspire and offer advice.
Personal and professional development
My priority is to support professional and personal development of team members. By helping people achieve their goals and aspirations and understanding their individuality, I try to create an environment conducive to continuous development.
Openness and cooperation
I promote openness, cooperation and respect for the diversity of perspectives in the team. I believe that diversity of opinions and experiences can lead to better solutions and innovations. I try to create an atmosphere in which each employee feels free to express their ideas and opinions, which helps build an engaged and integrated team.
I support team initiatives by encouraging independence and taking action. I strive to create an atmosphere in which each employee feels motivated to take initiatives and introduce positive changes. By delegating responsibility and supporting employees’ ideas, I give them the opportunity to develop their potential and contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of the entire team.
Freedom to grow
Passion is the best driving factor which lets us to excel and reach the top. I freely let my co-workers to choose technologies and tasks they are working with.
Positive work environment
Automation of tedious tasks along with quality documentation helps to save time and concentrate on knowledge sharing and tasks we love. This makes us feel good about coming to work every day.
Job that matters
Business value is the priority key we focus on. This approach results inproviding service and delievering solutions which are relevant. Making valuable input and shaping technical fundamentals in organisation is a reason to be proud and fulfillment.
Good team vibe
In my team, I focus on a good atmosphere, openness, and mutual respect. We achieve common goals with the support of positive energy.
Team Spirit
It is important to me that every member of the team feels relevant. This naturally makes cooperation reach a high level.
By developing our competencies, we directly influence the development of the team, which is why expanding our knowledge is extremely important.
For me, trust is a base of teamwork. It stimulates creative and innovative activities, what is very important for me. I trust and I would like to be trusted.
I really appreciate honesty in relationships. Talking and sharing experiences allow us to build an informed and well-coordinated team.
My employees know their tasks and goals very well. I believe in their skills and creativity. Independence gives us the possibility of continuous development and self-improvement.
Teamwork is the foundation of strong and healthy group. Working with people who care about a common goal, brings people closer and allows to develop friendships.
The ability to compromise is the ability to resolve conflicts. Being flexible allows you to balance the needs of the corporation with the needs of the individual.
Honesty inspires trust and trust in the team is the bond of future successes